
At Manipura Acupuncture + Holistic Healthcare, a balanced approach based on the teachings of Traditional Chinese medicine is taken for the maintenance of health and prevention of illness. Each session is tailored to the patient based on their current state of health. Full length treatments are provided in clean, private rooms, dedicated to individualized care.

Your acupuncture treatments may include: 

Auricular Therapy (Ear acupuncture)

Electroacupuncture (electromagnetic stimulation to enhance the points)

Cupping Therapy 


Injection Therapy (B12 shots, homeopathic injectables)


Lifestyle Support

*All courses of treatment will be determined at the time of initial diagnosis and can vary per person and per case presented.   

Initial Consult 90 mins: During an initial acupuncture appointment, a comprehensive health history is taken in order to tailor an individualized treatment plan. Both long term and short-term goals are discussed with each patient.

Follow Up- 60 Minutes

Techniques Used


Acupuncture is an ancient healing modality that brings the body back to its natural state of healing. Tiny, sterile needles are placed into specific neurovascular wells also known as acupuncture points. These Acupuncture points are considered reservoir along a specialized meridian system that runs below the skin to the underlying organs. The meridians are commonly compared to electrical circuits, which connect the superficial acupuncture points to deeper organ structures. Acupuncture works by strengthening the body’s healing power and freeing stagnant/trapped areas along the body’s meridian “circuits” so that energy can properly flow. 


Moxibustion and Heat Therapy

Moxibustion is an herbal heat therapy administered by burning an herb called mugwort close to an acupuncture point(s) on the skin. The purpose of this modality is to stimulate the blood and qi flow.  The herb has properties that are known to stop pain and spasm and build up the immune system.

TDP therapeutic lamps are used upon the discretion of the practitioner.  This is a form of heat therapy that combines gentle heat to stimulate deep muscle relaxation and increase circulation. This mineral heat lamp has been shown in clinical studies to reduce inflammation and edema from soft tissue injuries such as strains, sprains, and tears. In combination with acupuncture and herbology, TDP is an effective treatment for pain, wellness and many other conditions.  

Herbal Medicine

Many of the herbal formulas used in Traditional Chinese Medicine date back to thousands of years. Over the millennia, Chinese Herbology has been practiced and documented- it is one of the most widely researched forms of herbal medicine. Herbs work synergistically with acupuncture and have been used to enhance treatments with minimal side effects. When prescribed by a certified practitioner, herbs can be a safe and effective alternative or supplement to pharmaceuticals.     


Injection Therapy

Acupuncture Point Injection Therapy is the injection of saline, vitamins, homeopathic substances, or vitamins into specific points on the body or trigger points to help with inflammation, fatigue, pain management, muscle spasm, and vitamin deficiency. 

Cupping Therapy

“Cupping was established as an official therapeutic practice in the 1950s across hospitals in China after research conducted by Chinese and former Soviet Union acupuncturists confirmed cupping’s effectiveness. Prior to the 1950s, cupping had also been practiced as an auxiliary method in traditional Chinese surgery. “ (Pacific College of Health and Science)

Small glass cups are placed on the skin disperse and break up stagnation by drawing congested blood, energy or other cellular debris to the surface. The toxins are brought out of the deep muscle to the superficial layer and are now more easily circulated through the capillaries to be filtered through the liver and the kidneys.  


Lifestyle and Nutritional Support

Beyond standard dietary advice, foods contain various energetic properties and are classified in a way to be used as medicine. What, how, and when you eat & drink, play a role in your overall treatment and health. In addition to diet, your daily habits, surroundings, and emotions also play a role in your overall health. Often, all aspects are addressed Manipura Acupuncture + Holistic Healthcare: Body, Mind, Spirit and Nature.